We need action.
We need bold, decisive action.
We need a bold, decisive leader who does not blink, regardless of low humidity and air-borne particulates.
We need Sarah Palin.
Who better to solve the financial crisis than the woman who single-handedly reformed corruption-ridden Alaska. Nevermind that she campaigned with the recently-indicted Ted Stevens, served as head of his PAC, and refuses to call for him to step down. Nevermind she's got her own corruption issues and ethical lapses. Those are pesky things called "facts" that must be disregarded in a crisis. Remember, no blinking.
We need a real reformer, and who better to choose than someone who says the word reform ten times in a fucking sentence. You want to talk about reform, she has reformed the way questions are answered. You ask her about foreign policy, she replies that GodzillaPutin rears his head and flies to Alaska (except that he doesn't). You ask her about the bailout plan, she says its all about health care reform and talks about 1 in 5 jobs being created in the trade sector. You say you can't end a sentence with a preposition, she says "fuck that, Alaska IS the state that I am the executive of!!!". Very mavericky, like John McCain. Did you know that John McCain was known as The Maverick TM? Neither did I.
So in the interest of saving our credit and financial industry, and preventing another Wall Street collapse, we need to call on this highly capable individual to roll up her sleeves and solve this problem for us. We'll give her all the time she needs.
What's that, its gonna take at least 3 days???? Well, the debate is on Thursday. No way to solve it before then, guess we're just gonna have to cancel it.
I know, I know, we all were hoping to get the chance to see this fine woman kick names and take asses in the debate. Because everyone knows she'd do swimmingly. But the stakes are too high, the crisis is too deep, and the need to reform is too urgent.
So lets call on Palin and Biden to agree to cancel their debate this Thursday. Lets put country first. Its not like the public needs to see Mrs. Palin answer questions, she's done that already. She took on and destroyed the three heavyweights of American media....Charlie, Sean, and Katie (Larry King was unavailable). She also took four spontaneous questions from print journalists last week and answered at least two of those questions. She also let the media film her talking to foreign leaders for at least 29 seconds. What more do we need?? Nothing, in my humble opinion. We've seen enough, this woman is clearly ready to lead, so lets get her to Capitol Hill pronto and cancel this fucking debate as quickly as possible.

Rick Davis
Campaign Manager
McCain/Palin 08
Yes, don't they wish it was simply the old white guy and the good looking brunette against the black guy and the old white guy.
Sorry Puffy and Mrs. Plain, but there are issues, and sometimes, when the voters are provoked, when things aint going exactly right here in Amurkkka, the voters actually pay attention to issues on some level.
Apparently there's a part of the Couric interview that CBS hasn't shown (yet). Couric asks Palin about what Supreme Court decisions she's aware of or famililar with other than Roe v. Wade. Her response...nothing. What an empty pant-suit...
Tina Fey's writers are taking Palin's comments verbatum. They don't have to make this shit up.
I hope Biden asks Princess 9/11 in the debate if she really believes dinosaurs and humans co-existed and if she denies it, Biden needs to bring up the conservation a she had with a teacher from the University of Alaska, where she just exactly that.
McCandy is a radical, rightwing, Christian fundamentalist, whose preacher exorcised the witch out of her.
This broad is a fucking lunatic and doesn't belong in the White House -- she belongs in an insane asylum.
The report tonite was that Palin "flubbed debate coaching" in NY and Philadelphia severely, that's when the decision to "seclude" her with ALL her many right-wing coaches, and First Dude, pregnant daughter, 2 other daughters and baby - at one of McCain's few homes in Arizona. That peace and quiet should help her immensely. DUH!!!!
Christopher, you're absolutely right...she's a fucking lunatic. You see her answers in the latest Couric interview? Would she criminalize abortion in the case of incest or rape? Her non-answer is essentially a yes. She would "counsel" against it...WTF???
And her global warming answer was similarly aggravating. Don't need to know the cause???? And we will find the solution HOW??? The Daily Show had a hilareous take on that..."I'm afraid you have lung cancer. Now, we don't know what caused it, but perhaps I can offer you a cool Menthol to calm your nerves"
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