Lately I've been reading Eric Altermans "Why We're Liberals". In his conclusions, he argues against eschewing the term LIBERAL, which has been made into some kind of a slander given 30+ years of negative framing by the right wing. Alterman states that instead of accepting that liberal is a dirty word, ala Dukakis, Gore, and Kerry (all failed efforts at the presidency), the left should embrace the word. We must not accept the right's lies and defamation, as they will certainly engage in a campaign against "progressives". Well, they already have, as Bill O'Reilly is well into a phony war against the made-up group "secular-progressives" (or SP' know, the one's that are trying to steal Christmas ;)).
One need only be reminded of JFK's answer to the "liberal" charge in his 1960 presidential campaign (BTW, he won the presidency, unlike Dukakis, Gore, and Kerry). Essentially, he stated that if by liberal you meant wasting taxpayer money, elitism, weakness indifference to moral concerns, then he is not that kind of liberal. But if liberalism refers to care for the general welfare, continual efforts to lift people out of poverty, social justice, racial equality, care for the environment, diplomacy and moderation in foreign policy, then yes, I am that kind of liberal.
In the upcoming presidential debates, if McCain's got the nutsac to show up, the Republican will undoubtedly use the "liberal" charge, as if it was somehow an actual insult. Obama cannot run away from it, he must embrace it and define it. Don't let these Republi-fuckers define us or turn a political ideology into a cuss word. If Obama embraces the liberal "charge" instead of running away from it, then that'd be kewl.
But that's not my debate wet dream.
No, my dream involves, other than McCain actually showing up, Obama figuratively bitch-slapping McCain with the septegenarian slinking away. Goes a lil suh-en like dis....

McCain: "uh, my frendj,..that's not change we can believe in. (heehh)"

Obama: "Wait!! Hold the fuckin bullshit right there...."

Obama: "Change! You want to talk Change!! What about the
change that's in my wallet. The
CHANGE you and your friends in big business took from us. Now, what's gonna happen now is that you are going to quickly and quietly reach in that satchel of yours and give my back my wallet. Then you and your theiving friends are going to give back the change you stole from everyone in this country. If you do that, then I will let you leave without having to feel my wrath and you and your 'lady' can go back to one of the many homes you own."
(long pause)

McCain: "uh,.. which one is yours?"

Obama: "The one that says
Bad Mother Fucker on it!"

McCain: " (heehh) here ya go "

Obama: "Thank you. Now get your bitch-ass outta here before I CHANGE my mind and stick this thumb up your ass!"

McCain: "Lets go honey bunny."
Yes. O Man has GOT to knock the snot outta Puffy tonight. He needs to have plenty of kick ass facts lined up nd ready to go. Puffy will have his standard cache of snide one-liners and a few new ones. They can not be allowed to pass for debate.
We will see how it goes, but I have a good feeling about tonight. McCain's already foreshadowed his chickenshitedness.
Obama is not listening to you. Man he disappointed me last night. I wanted a blood bath instead he said "you're right, John".
Well, the Debate let me down a little, but I still believe that Obama won - just by being smarter. Hopefully he doesn't give McCain the "John you're right" claims in the future. Love your blog...btw - the guy in your avatar has been arrested in my town so many times (again 2 weeks ago) he may become an icon!
crystaldawnsmom, I was left a little disappointed too, but mainly from the bad closing statement obama gave. he was very strong in the opening (economy). You can't really expect Obama to get all whoop-ass on McCain...what would the punditry do then? Angry black man attacks feeble old white man. Remember McCain's recent "respect" ad...subtle racist digs. Obama was smart by being nice. Glad he's not taking his advice from a deluded paint huffer.
thanks themom. you've got a mighty fine blog yourself :) I will have to put you in my extensive blog roll. Yes, there was a lot of agreement, but it was in the foreign policy part. They've all got to support the military industrial complex to be a "mainline" candidate.
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