Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I Have A Blog!!!1!!11!

Check this out!!! I have a blog!! Aren't you impressed?!?!?!?!

In the next few weeks, I will be ruminating on various thoughts that will be rattling about my abnormally-large noggin. On certain days, my posts will be coherent, inciteful, and inspiring. At other times, my words will be rambling and borderline-schizophrenic. The former will undoubtedly coincide with the days I am unable to secure my OTC medicine. By "OTC", I mean over-the-counter. And by "counter", I mean the register at my local paint or auto supply store. Fortunately for you, the faithful reader, when I am in possession of my much needed aerosol-elixir (and breathable rag), I will not be here typing away. Instead, I will likely be stumbling along my local streets and avenues, occasionally staring blankly at the sun, and frequently ducking from the fuzz (especially if they have a camera crew in tow). I do not need another appearance on True Stories of the Highway Patrol, no sir. However, these days of therapy-in-a-can will undoubtedly arouse inspiration for this very blog. And we will all be the better for it. That is, if I deftly avoid an arrest for public intoxication and another embarrasing mugshot.

So, dear reader, be patient as I conjure my next Polk award-winning blog post. May the Krylon be with you.