Monday, October 27, 2008

Update to Joe the Senator

Blogger crystal dawn said...

OH MY GAWD, I see arroz out there in the audience!! That is friggin heh-lah-rious! I just spit beer all over the screen. now i cant see how i tipe.

October 24, 2008 2:27 PM

Well, thanks a fucking bunch, Crystal Dawn. You've ruined my anonymity, although I was not on screen where you thought you saw me. I was in a super secret location that was recently revealed on This Is Not My Blog. However, his pictures were from a cell phone and required much digital manipulation to reveal my exact location. Here I can be seen in my full, paint-huffing glory on the 2nd floor of the book depository.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Joe's in the News

Joe the Senator

Chiz-ecked out the future VP in Chucktown 2day. Wuz off da hook yo. Never been to a political rally before, and was a little concerned that wouldn't get through the detectors with my aluminum spray can. Decided to leave the can and enjoy the speeches without entering altered states. Had a primo view of Biden's backside, so here's a clip of what I did not see.

Be proud of my state, we're going Obama, you watch.

"Joe" the "Plumber"

Yeah, his 15 minutes are about up and the story has been beaten to death, but the guy just irks the hell out of me and I wanted to add my 2 cents. The story went that there's a guy named Joe who's a plumber who wants to buy his bosses company that is worth more than 250k, but he's not sure if he can because Obama will raise his taxes. Turns out he's no where near making enough to buy such a company, even though the company is only worth 100k, that he actually is delinquent on his taxes, that he's not a plumber, and that his first name is not even Joe. I guess Sam the Plumber didn't have a good enough ring. Sam is a butcher or a ex-jock bartender, or so says Nick at Nite.

After an hour of vetting by the media, this guy should have went away. But the right wing was CERTAIN that they had their star, their game changer, and clung to him like grim death. "Joe", or Sam, or whatever the fuck his real name was, loooooved the attention, regardless of the joke he'd become to rational humans. Joe still makes the rounds on Hannity and Huckabee, but he mainly lives on through the incessant invocations of "FirstName" the "Occupation" by the McFalin camp. Its sooo fucking tiring....Arroz the Huffer has just about had enough.

Joe the Asshole

Oooh, this is classic. This Joe in Northern Virginia, or the "commie" part of Virginia, is stuck in traffic an annoyed. There's heavy traffic on his route, but the opposite direction is clear. How the fuck could that be? I mean, there couldn't be an accident or road work or more congestion for one direction.....the same conditions just HAVE to be present on both sides of the road. This is enough for this average Joe to make a 911. To bitch about the traffic. The operator is annoyed, so Joe finally says "fuck you" and hangs up. Then they call back and find out its Joe McCain, brother of John McCain, and the guy who recently made the "commie" reference about NOVA. They leave a message on his cell, after which Joe actually has the balls to call back. Its as if he thinks he's got no worries, his bro is going to be president (apparently, he doesn't check the polls). Here's a humorous news clip from a local station.

"Jo" the Bullshitter

K, her name's not Jo, not even close, but felt this wacko was worth blawging about. The right wing media has been in a tizzy about this innocent college girl that was attacked by a black man for sporting McCain/Palin gear on her hooptie. Turns out, its bullshit at best and race baiting at worst. Smoking Gun has some info on her "foreshadowing" of the "events" that led to her "mugging". YouTube shows past videos from this nutcase where she imagined that a black janitor was stealing her Crayola'd objet d'art. Some have surmised that the backwards B on her face is a result of her carving it herself in front of a mirror. Fox News' VP predicts that if this story turns out to be bullshit that it will sink McCain's campaign. Yeah, like its been going swimmingly for McFalin the past few weeks. Well, the Pittsburgh poh-leece have already declared it bullshit, so does that mean its over now? Seriously, my ulcers are raging and only a proper end to this election or a 20 point nationwide lead for Obama will heal my pain.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Sliver of Hope

Caught a sight today that gave me some hope that Obama can pull this out.

Was on my semi-biweekly trip to stock up on huffing supplies and noticed quite a few Obama bumper stickers. Of course, I was downtown and the majority of these stickers were on midsize SUV's and upscale sedans, so I thought nothing of it.

Shortly after noon, after being thrown out of the Glidden store (again :( ), I was making my way cross town to the nearest Sherwin-Williams. They have a new manager there who does not (yet) know me. Having a spare can of mineral spirits in my glove compartment, I was able to wipe away any latent gold splatter from my roughly-trimmed mangina. With those facts in mind, I was confident in my ability to secure my much needed OTC. That, and the next sight, were enough to lift my spirits enough to (briefly) think that I could do without today's Krylon fix.

That sight was at an intersection where I had halted to turn left. On my right came a red pickup truck with a Confederate Flag in the front license plate holder and a burly bearded man at the wheel. Surely, I thought, the rear bumper of this truck would be the polar opposite than what I viewed on the aforementioned Obama cars. Surely, this "redneck" would be displaying a McCain/Palin (or McFalin, as I like to refer to them) on his bumper.

As the truck passed in front of my, my eyes followed and saw a Union sticker on the rear window, then immediately, Obama stickers on the rear bumper. Quite a shock considering the display of southern "heritage" on the front. So I got to thinking....if this southern "redneck", proudly displaying the flag of the confederacy, was willing to not only vote for Obama but to support him with an equally prominent campaign sticker, then perhaps this state isn't as backwoods as the media would like to portray us. Perhaps even the whitest of white rednecks are willing to support a black man for President. Maybe this was a one in a million anecdote, but maybe not. Maybe we are turning the corner into a post-racial Amurika. Maybe (hopefully) four to eight years of watching a black family in the White House, even the redneckiest among us can put aside our biases and accept people for the content of their character and not the color of their skin. And I got to thinking....

Why delude my brain more with paint-induced hallucinations that obscure the reality of our racist Republican dominated country?

Why not quit this cruel elixir and embark on a new journey, inspired by the promise of hope, unity, and change that an Obama presidency would bring?

Ah, fuck it.....Krylon, I can't quit you babe.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fannie and Freddie

Why are Republicans in a tizzy about Fannie and Freddie?

Because they feel this is the strongest tie of some Democrats to the current financial crisis. Take McCain's latest barb at the debates.

McCain said that government-sponsored mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac "were the catalyst, the match that started this forest fire" in the economy and that he had "stood up" to them.
Of course, he overstates the case because a lot of Dems got money from these groups. McCain doesn't mention Countrywide or any other mortgage giants who were into the subprime game WAY before Fannie and Freddie. Fannie and Freddie were losing market share to other firms who plunged ahead more recklessly.

And McCain playing up his role in warning about Fannie and Freddie are overplayed. For one, it was Chuck Hagel who sponsored the bill and McCain came to the game a year later.

In a May 26, 2006, news release, McCain said: "If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole." But said those problems had nothing to do with the subprime mortgage loans that triggered the current crisis.

More evidence that Fannie and Freddie were not the catalysts in this crisis and were actually a relatively small part of the problem.

Fannie and Freddie did not guarantee and securitize substantial quantities of subprime loans. They had more Alt-A loans but these were still a relatively small portion of their overall business. In fact, as the subprime market was building, Fannie and Freddie lost market share because they weren't participating. Their involvement in the secondary market was far from the driving force in the creation of the subprime market.

It’s true, however, that Fannie and Freddie were damaged by the subprime crisis because everyone in the housing sector was damaged by falling home prices and, more significantly, the two companies branched out into a broader investment portfolio. In that portfolio were included mortgage-backed securities that hurt all of those who purchased them. Fannie and Freddie weren’t the biggest players in this and, most importantly, started this practice very late in the game. In fact, the subprime market had already started to go bad when they started their purchases (which speaks poorly for Fannie and Freddie’s decision making, but precludes them from responsibility for the crisis).

Fannie and Freddie were supposed to be more closely supervised than other lenders—with their own regulator, which was supposed to keep a special eye on them because they are important institutions. Those regulators, who were part of the Bush administration, failed along with the rest of the Bush regulatory apparatus to stop the problem.
I'm not excusing Democrats who resisted regulation of these companies given their financial ties. But to ignore Republican responsibility and their basic ideology of DEREGULATION would make one as ignorant as a Fox News "journalist". No David Assman, this is not Barney Frank's fault because he fucked a Fannie exec in 1988. Ha! I even made myself laugh at that one...fucked a Fannie...laugh out loud.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Hope for Tonight

Can we please see something like this happen at, say, 9:13 p.m.???