Monday, September 15, 2008

Keys to Winning

Some unsolicited advice to the Obama campaign because I KNOW they are reading this blawg faithfully.

1) Go NEGATIVE - Stay truthful and on point (i.e. McCain = Bush, Repubs wrecked the economy, Iraq, etc). Republicans don't know how to govern, but they know how to win campaigns. And how do they do that? They go NEGATIVE. Granted, the Republicans lie through their fucking teeth, but negativism works. That's how people got it into their noggins that Gore was a serial liar, Kerry shot himself in Vietnam, and James K Polk liked to drip hot candle wax on his nut sac. Seriously, the campaigns of the 1800's were WAY more wild than we have today. But we don't have to do that because the truth is on our side. There is so much f'd up crap that can be laid squarely at the feet of the Republican machine. And it doesn't have to be explained much...the peeps already get it.

And thankfully, the Obama campaign has decided to retroactively take my advice. They waited a mere 4 days before I went on record with this advice, and I cannot forgive them for failing to invest in the "7 day crystal ball"TM. They should have known earlier that an unknown paint huffing blawger would request that they go negative. Alas, it is not totally their fault for waiting so long....I am clearly the only one making this suggestion.....

2) Portray McCain as weak and fearful. This is a corollary to the first as McCain has acted out of fear. Fear is the reason he chose a woefully inadequate and unprepared VP, the reason he went so quickly to smears and lies, etc. Republicans are, by and large, full of fear. The only thing they fear itself. Its the basis of all their ideology and the root cause of their turn toward authoritarianism. The fearful are easily led...why else would they so quickly champion a former mayor of the meth'n'rape-capitol of Alaska who serially lies about her *cough* accomplishments.

Portray him as fearful and weak by focusing on the facts that prove him to be. Americans want a cool, confident president who won't be tricked or cajoled into WWIII...and that is clearly Obama, as he will prove in the debates. The guy handles everything so well and calmly...look how he managed O'Reilly. He didn't need to stall when he got a question, he delved right into it, and totally disarmed O'Reilly.

Compare that to Palin who tried to hide her ignorance with beauty pageant delay tactics and faux friendliness. "In what respect, Charlie?" Gibsons should have followed up with "with respect to the doctrine that Bush has stated on numerous occasions that a foreign policy expert like you, with a view of Russia, should easily be able to answer...that is, unless you are a stealth candidate who has no real business being in this race" Jaysus Fucking KaRiest, this is what passes for a Republican VP candidate? Miss South Carolina anyone? She didn't just use a beauty pageant tactic, she was a borderline Spelling Bee contestant on that one....she was fishing for clues. "In what respect, Charlie?" "Use 'Bush Doctrine' in a sentence, Charlie." "What's the country of origin, Charlie?" Fucking amateur.

Which leads me to...

3) Forget Palin. I know, I know, its hard work. She's comedy gold, I tell ya. But that's exactly what the Republicans want!!! They WANT us to ignore McCain. They WANT to dominate the news cycle. Make this campaign what it should be about....

Obama v. McCain
Obama's clear-headed judgement v. McCain's wild temper
Obama's policy that's preferred by 70% of Americans v. McCains policy (preferred only by end-timers, corporate CEO's, fetuses, the bat-shit insane, and 1 out of 10 dentists)

4) Court Libertarians and other Republicans who are too ashamed to admit they are Republican and/or voted for that dipshit Bush. Word is that Ron Paul (sorry Libertarians, Dr. Ron Paul) might be the running mate of equally batshit crazy Bob Barr. Not to malign the batshit crazy, but these yahoos want to turn everything private, including roads, schools, and sewers. They obviously have more than 2 brain cells working as they realize that the Bush Administration have nothing but contempt for Democracy and the Constitution. They also realize that the Iraq War is illegal, immoral, and nothing but wealth distribution. They also believe in individual freedom, something that runs opposed to warrantless wiretapping, torture, and the War on Drugs.

But whatever their motivation, realize that Libertarians are opposed to McCain and especially that end-timer Palin. Polls and primary results have them courting SIGNIFICANT portions of the Republican electorate. Portions that dwarf those of Nader in 2000 and know, the guy that liberals blamed for costing Gore the election, nevermind that it was, uh, fucking stolen in a dozen ways (I never excused liberals from being stubborn and wrong) No, the Libertarians will not support Obama...they dislike liberal policies, and some are as racist as the lock-step Republicans (look at some of Dr. Ron Paul's old newsletters). But that doesn't mean they can't vote for their own dipshit. So ENCOURAGE those dipshits to enter the process and don't demean 3rd party candidacies, even when they appear on your own turf. Remember, you can try to blame Nader for Florida in 2000, but you forget that Buchanan's vote totals in New Mexico and Iowa exceeded Gore's margin that same year, which would have rendered Florida moot.


crystal dawn said...

Obama's policy that's preferred by 70% of Americans v. McCains policy (preferred only by end-timers, corporate CEO's, fetuses, the bat-shit insane, and 1 out of 10 dentists)

If I were still on Jerrie's message board, THAT would be my sig. Great line arroz..and great post.

signed: crystal dawn (your only reader)

Eric Dondero said...

Wow! You say "court Libertarians" and then you proceed to bash us and our candidates calling us "batshit crazy" for wanting to privatize everything.

What in the world makes you think that any libertarian in their right mind would vote Democrat, especially a Far Left Looney Tune Marxist like Obama?

He represents every thing we oppose.

And the GOP is running a bonafide libertarian Republican for VP, Sarah Palin, who was even supported by the Libertarian Party of Alaska leadership in 2006.

You badmouth us Libertarians, than you want us to turn our backs on one of our own - Sarah Palin - and back a Socialist/Fascist who is against everything we stand for: Barack Hussein Obama.

What's that in your pipe?

arrozconpollo said...

nuh uh crystal dawn you are wrong. i obviously have two readers thank you very much.

eric, much is meant to be humoress, i am no more a campaign manager as i am a paint huffer. and you obviously didnt read my piece anyway because i suggested that the Dems and Obama support ALL 3rd party candidates. Including those in line with Libertarians and far lefties.

But since when were Libertarians supporting McCain and Palin. Did Dr. Ron Paul throw support to McCain? No. And he won't support Obama either. Neither will the MAJORITY of his supporters. That is because McCain is for more foreign involvement, more debt, more corporate socialism, weakening of the Constitution.

If you are a Libertarian that loves McCain and Palin, then you are truly not paying attention. Palin's record is diametrically opposed to whatever lie she's selling. But from your post, you don't really sound like a Libertarian anyway.

Quick, what's the definition of fascism? Don't ask me in what regard Charlie...

crystal dawn said...

Eric I went to your site just to see what "mainstream libertarian views" were, even though I already knew them... but let's analyze them, shall we?

1. Lower Taxes - unless you make well over $250,000 a year, you will have LOWER taxes under Obama. Anyone that tells you otherwise is LYING! Sure, McCain will lower your taxes as well, but he'll also lower those making millions and billions. And the fallacy of that is that the middle class ends up eating that loss in revenue (that the Fed inevitably requires to sustain itself) in other forms of taxes that get tacked onto things you simply don't see.

A prime example is the Iraq war. I'm sure you enjoyed the $600 dollars GDub gave you, but when governments reduce taxes and INCREASE spending (as McCain plans on doing) then you pay for it later instead of now. Like an evil credit card with no cap on interest.

2. Stop the Overspending - see above. Obama plans on spending money at HOME. Sorry, we need roads, bridges and the like unless you plan on living in Bolivia where tax collection is obsolete. Good luck driving on those roads.

In contrast, McCain will be spending your money in Iraq, Iran, North Korea, and especially China where cheap labor is stupendous!

3. Growing the Economy - Bill Clinton, an evil marxist socialist, grew the economy much greater than Gdub 41 and 43 ever did. He produced more jobs AND he produced a SURPLUS! Guess he didn't SPEND it all like you claim they do. Obama's plans are basically the same as Clintons.

But I digress... The fallacy of all libertarians is in fact that their views are batshit crazy. They are very extreme and radical and basically call for man to go back to living on ranches and hoping for the best. If such an ideology actually worked, then we would have seen evidence of that in past history. Well we don't... because no functioning society can, well function, without tax revenue and the common good. Even the batshit crazy Republicans realize this but they are sneaky and are able to tax you in other ways.

Besides, libertarians are just disgruntled Republicans looking for a political ideology that looks good on paper, but works about as well as paper in water.

arrozconpollo said...

"Libertarians are Republicans who have smoked marijuana." Thom Hartmann

Don't know whether this is true or not, but it is funny. Hey, Palin admitted to smoking pot, maybe Eric Dondero is correct that she's a libertarian. Only a libertarian would be batshit crazy enough to charge rape victims for the rape kit.