Wednesday, December 3, 2008


This must be stopped.

No more can we permit a national forum for this right wing governor, beholden to the ideology that has given us two unwinnable wars, plundered our treasury, shat on the Constitution, and destroyed our economy.

No, I'm not talking about Caribou Barbie.

I'm talking about....

Duh Duh Duh DUUHHHH (<- you should hum some ominous music here)

Bush is back! Well, maybe. And not Georgie, its the favorite son, Jeb. And not til 2010. And just in Florida. But c'mon, its a Bush, people! Ain't that enough to piss you off?

You know Jeb, the one who's name more aptly belongs to the learning-impaired older brother. The one that Poppy Bush cried about in 06, after the oldest son screwed the pooch for any hopes of continuing the Bush Dynasty. Sorry, too do-overs Poppy. You let the sadist son, placed at a young age under the wing of the exceedingly cold Babs, take first reins at the White House. You should have known it would fuck up any hope of furthering Jeb's dreams of presidential power. Your other sons are criminals and war profiteers that have never held elective office, the grandchildren are barely beyond their wild drinkin'-n-drinkin'-n-druggin' days, so really Jeb is the only option in the near future.

So do you really think Americans are willing to see another Bush in power? After all that Georgie has fucked up and how absolutely hated he is by the American public? Well, we're the same public that elected Poppy and allowed the Supremes to appoint Junior, even after it was known their family fortune was made with the fucking Nazis. Yeah, seriously, even Fox "News" says so. So I guess that answers my question....any voting populace willing to consider a spawn of a Hitler-financier will be willing to elect the brother of the worst fucking president ever. My Obama-inspired hope is waning by the second. :(


themom said...

I just have this gut wrenching feeling - the RNC will want to groom Jeb....I want to puke!

arrozconpollo said...

Palin/Bush 2012, I can think of no scarier thing.

crystal dawn said...

Palin represents that fringe wing of the nut party, so she isn't going anywhere. I can only say I'm glad in the sense that at least we'll continue to have more to make fun of.

SagaciousHillbilly said...

I fully expect SlickJeb to run and win in '16. Think about it. He'll win the senate in Floriduh. By '16 he'll be touted as extremely qualified having been gov and sen. The Amurkkkin public has the attention spam of a butterfly.
One family will give us the three worse presidents in history and the Amurkkkin proletariat will make it happen by their ignorance.

anonymous said...

Voters from the state of Floriduh love their Jebby. Apparently his wife is a stumbling block to the presidency. She refuses to appear in public or they won't let her appear. So maybe we are safe from that one. But the senate is a done deal down here. The other pubs are backing off even before Jeb says he'll run.

arrozconpollo said...

Thanks Florida voters!!! Once a decade, putting a Bush in national office.

themom said...

I'm making my blog rounds...and want to wish you and your a Merry Christmas!

crystal dawn said...

more updates pleez

themom said...

OK, I have wished you a Merry Christmas and now a Happy New Year...all on the same post. Hurry back!

arrozconpollo said...

sorry, have been busy and kinda disinterested in my shitty blog. But the clamors for more updates from 2 of my 3 readers is enough to wake this slumbering beast :) Shitty update soon!!!