Sorry, they shot their wad on this one. An end-timer hockey mom with home-schooled kids, not exactly the experience needed to be one palpatating, 72 year old heart from the presidency. Hate to be crude, but it appears that her main goal in life has been to a professional uterus, which is fine, except she gave them all HORRIBLE names. And I am not kidding, the names are as follows: Track (oldest son), Bristol (girl), Willow (girl), Piper (girl), and the latest son, Trig Paxson Van Palin. (Van Palin used to be kewl, I wasn't down with the Van Hagar). What kind of judgement is that? Destining your kids for ridicule in school....oh...that's right...home school. Then, what the fuck....why not name them Tagg....what's that?....Mitt Romney's son is named Tagg? Well, then, the Republicans have some serious naming issues.
But back to the title of this blawg post, experience. Found an interesting timeline on DU.

Obama's record beats the PANTS off this woman. Just look at the education experience. Phd in law from fucking Harvard versus BS degree in journalism at Idaho U. What passes for journalism in Idaho? "Potatoes gonna be harvested soon...back to you Bob."
As for her gubenatorial "experience", from Wikipedia:
Annual sessions begin in January and are limited by statute to 90 calendar days.90 days a year!!! Are they really going with the line that Obama has less or equivalent experience here? They like to trot out the 130 present votes Obama had after 8 years in the Illinois legislature. Out of how many though? And McCain has been the most absent Senator BY FAR for atleast TWO (2) years.
Special sessions of 30 calendar days may be convened by a consensus of two-thirds of the each house. In the 2006 elections, a voter initiative was passed that reduced the statutory length of the session to 90 days. The 2008 session was the first 90 day session. Although the session adjourned on time, some members of the legislature claimed that legislation was rushed and public input was jeopardized.
As for what her fellow Republicans in the AK state legislature think, lets ask State Senate President Lyda Green:
"She's not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president?"
Maybe that's why she laughed and giggled when some right wing talk radio nuts called Ms. Green a "bitch" and a "cancer". Oh, Ms. Green survived cancer. Palin laughs, giggles, and says it'd be an honor to have these two right wing nutjobs. Sorry, but Sarah Palin comes off horribly. Nice pick McCain.
Game. Set. Match.